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Books | the culture domain | Two Three questions | Iceberg | Finger trap | math | To be wise is to see | George Box
Most of the pieces, a nearly complete table of contents
What's this puzzle piece metaphor all about?
Two questions
I think they're worth asking ... and worth
Seeking solutions in the culture domain
To be wise is to see
(illustrated by two popular optical illusions)
Most models are wrong, but some are useful.
the wisdom that George Box sees
Escaping a finger trap
and related thoughts about warning signs and wisdom
Books, by writers who see
Please note, however, I don't do book reviews.
Math as metaphor
Some say 2+2=5. Some say it's 3. Others have a problem with 8.
Cynicism is is a self-imposed blindness
Culture as conspiracy theory
There's an iceberg
involved. Do you see
it, too?
This is not about not
It's amazing how often we stumble over this tiny word.
Some assembly required: Rough drafts and miscellaneous pieces
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